Some Like It Hot 1959
The Midnight Story 1957
Dragstrip Girl 1957
20 Million Miles to Earth 1957
The Killing 1956
Sincerely Yours 1955
It's Always Fair Weather 1955
Six Bridges to Cross 1955
The Racket 1951
Saturday's Hero 1951
The Enforcer 1951
The Mating Season 1951
The Man Who Cheated Himself 1950
Deported 1950
Everybody Does It 1949
The Red Danube 1949
House of Strangers 1949
The Fountainhead 1949
Cry of the City 1948
Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House 1948
The Bishop's Wife 1947
Daisy Kenyon 1947
Kiss of Death 1947
The Web 1947