The Hateful Eight 2015
Death Proof 2007
Grindhouse 2007
Vanilla Sky 2001
Soldier 1998
Breakdown 1997
Escape from L.A. 1996
Executive Decision 1996
Stargate 1994
Forrest Gump 1994
Tombstone 1993
Unlawful Entry 1992
Backdraft 1991
Tango & Cash 1989
Winter People 1989
Tequila Sunrise 1988
Big Trouble in Little China 1986
The Mean Season 1985
Silkwood 1983
The Thing 1982
The Fox and the Hound 1981
Escape from New York 1981
Used Cars 1980
The Strongest Man in the World 1975
Superdad 1973
Charley and the Angel 1973
Now You See Him, Now You Don't 1972
Fools' Parade 1971
The Barefoot Executive 1971
The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes 1969
The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit 1968
The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band 1968
Follow Me, Boys! 1966
Guns of Diablo 1964
It Happened at the World's Fair 1963