Adventure 1945
The Night of Nights 1939
$1000 a Touchdown 1939
The Man in the Iron Mask 1939
A Christmas Carol 1938
Wells Fargo 1937
Stage Door 1937
It Happened in Hollywood 1937
Parnell 1937
The Plough and the Stars 1936
Show Boat 1936
Klondike Annie 1936
Steamboat Round the Bend 1935
The Informer 1935
Bride of Frankenstein 1935
Clive of India 1935
We Live Again 1934
The Invisible Man 1933
Law and Order 1932
Murders in the Rue Morgue 1932
The Man Who Laughs 1928
Tarzan and the Golden Lion 1927
Lady Robinhood 1925